Berserk is an extraordinary manga series that explores the themes of redemption, revenge, and the struggle for power. Kentaro Miura's artwork and storytelling are simply breathtaking, and his ability to create vivid characters, intricate plotlines, and stunning action scenes is unparalleled.
The story follows the adventures of Guts, a mercenary warrior seeking revenge against his former friend Griffith, who betrayed him and sacrificed their comrades to become a powerful demon lord. As Guts travels through a dark and brutal world filled with demons, supernatural beings, and political intrigue, he must confront his own inner demons and find a way to overcome his traumatic past. Berserk is a dark and epic tale that will leave you spellbound and craving for more.
Kentaro Miura's stunning artwork and masterful storytelling make Berserk a must-read for fans of manga and anyone looking for a thrilling and immersive story. With, you can dive into the world of Berserk and follow Guts on his journey for free. Don't miss out on this incredible series – start reading Berserk today!