Blame! is a manga series by Tsutomu Nihei that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a dark and sprawling cyberpunk world. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, and the remaining survivors are forced to live in a massive structure known as "the City."
Nihei's masterful storytelling and intricate world-building create a mesmerizing and terrifying world that is both hauntingly beautiful and harrowing. The art style is highly detailed, with a focus on mechanical and architectural designs that immerse readers in the gritty world of Blame!.
The story follows the journey of a lone wanderer named Killy as he searches for the Net Terminal Gene, a genetic marker that could save humanity from its impending doom. Along the way, Killy must fight his way through hordes of dangerous cyborgs and mutants, all while uncovering the dark secrets of the City and its enigmatic rulers.
Blame! is a true masterpiece of cyberpunk and science fiction. Nihei's storytelling is both epic in scale and intimate in its focus on the characters and their struggles. The action sequences are intense and visceral, with Killy facing increasingly difficult challenges as he progresses through the story.
Overall, Blame! is a must-read for fans of science fiction and cyberpunk. Its intricate world-building, stunning visuals, and thrilling action sequences make it a true masterpiece of the genre. And with the series available for free online, there's no reason not to dive into this incredible manga today.