Exercise a willing suspension of disbelief and truly enjoy this great film!
Voskhod is a film about a recluse radio operator who, after repairing his amateur radio with parts found in the forest, receives a distress call from a stranded Soviet cosmonaut in orbit. Voskhod is a mixture of the American film Frequency and the Cuban film Sergio and Sergei. Voskhod is Sunrise.
Portrait of a sort of friendship. Correct, beautiful crafted, moving. Two men - a reclused in wood, a cosmonaut and a talk. And, more important the effort to change a final. A good film . The year and the words of each man are its basic pieces of the virtue.
Director: Ivan Stepanov
Writers: Bill Moldt, Ivan Stepanov
Starring: Ken Godmere, Darren L. Hopwood