Fox And The Whale is an independently produced and self-financed Animated Short Film. The film was shortlisted for the 90th Oscars and is a nominee for the 2018 Canadian Screen Awards. If you are interested in supporting you can buy the Art of book & film package here
For more about the making of the film please visit official page
The full production credits for the film are as follows.
Directed & Produced by Robin Joseph
Character Animation, Models, Rigs by Kim Leow
Character Rig ( Fox ) by Louis Vottero
Music by John Poon
Design, Storyboards, Backgrounds, 2D animation, VFX, Comp
Edit, Foley and Sound design by Robin Joseph
Festival Awards:
Reelasian Film Festival 2017 ( Toronto, Canada ) - Animasian Award
Fastnet Film Festival 2017 ( Cork, Ireland ) - Best Animation Award
Sene Film Festival 2017 ( Rhode Island, U.S.A ) - Audience Award for Animated Short
Sene Film Festival 2017 ( Rhode Island, U.S.A ) - Honorable Mention Jury Awards
Oxford Film Festival 2017 ( Mississippi, U.S.A ) - Best Animation Award
VIEW Conference 2016 ( Turin, Italy ) - Best Environment Design