In an alternate reality, 4% of the world's population is born with special abilities. Most of these "specials" live under poverty line. Taylor, a "special" living way under the poverty line takes different construction jobs in order to support his family. One day after work, over payment issues, Taylor intentionally damages his employer's property. The police goes after Taylor and his friend, and just when the police is about to arrest Taylor, a fight erupts. A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.
Code 8 is an action/science fiction short film, produced as a proof of concept for a feature film version to be filmed later this year. On April 15th, 24 days into the indiegogo campaign the film had $750,000 donated, surpassing the goal of $200,000 by 375%.
This film could not have been made without the generous support by